Salish Sea Lighthouses

Point Wilson Lighthouse

Point Wilson Lighthouse

Lighthouse Information

  • Body of water:  Straits of Juan de Fuca & Admiralty Inlet
  • Owned by: Coast Guard/USLHS
  • Keeper’s House: Yes
  • Year Built:  Original 1879, Present 1914
  • Height:  46 feet
  • Type of Lens: 4th Order Fresnel
  • Interpretive Center:  Yes
  • Gift Shop:  Yes

Lodging Information

Chief’s House: 1 story ranch style, sleeps 8

Keeper’s House: 2 story overlooking the Straits of Juan de Fuca

Fresnel Lens was reactivated October 2024!


Point Wilson Light Reactivated!

On October 29, 2024, Point Wilson’s fourth order Fresnel lens was relit! In 2007, the U.S. Coast Guard turned off the light that has burned since 1914. The lighthouse retired the VRB-25 marine beacon light that was mounted outside the lantern room. 

Thanks to the efforts of the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Lighthouse Society, and Chad Kaiser who is a certified lampist, the light now shines 24/7. You will see its light signature with a 20 second white light followed by a red flash.